Personal Project


A Short Reprieve

[ 05 MAR 2015 ]

My family moved into our flat in Aljunied Crescent in 1978 and our old house in Geylang is less than 400m away. These are the spaces that mom was familiar with. Unfortunately, she was seldom strong enough to venture out of her flat, other than the necessary trips for her check ups.

[ 02 MAR 2015 ]

The two most important men in her life are in this frame – my nephew with her in Genting Highlands and Mom and Dad, on their first holiday in Taiwan.

[ 02 MAR 2015 ]

“Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize.”

[ 05 MAR 2015 ]

Singing along with 尤雅.

[ 05 MAR 2015 ]

One of the side effects Mom experienced was dried and itchy eyes.

[ 05 MAR 2015 ]

Mom spent a lot of her remaining days at the family sofa, where she would watch TV, listen to music, chat with relatives and friends.

[ 11 MAR 2015 ]

Another blood test.