• Together, Again

    Personal ProjectMomTogether, Again[ 29 APR 2015 ] After living 'apart' for 24 years, Mom and Dad are reunited today as we brought them to their new house in Mandai. As Dad was a Taoist/Buddhist and Mom a Christian, we invited a pastor and a guru to perform the rites. This simple ceremony is even more…
  • Farewell

    Personal ProjectMomFarewell [ 28 APR 2015 ] My brother sang "Wings" by Toru Takemitsu for Mom at the crematorium. "Oh wind, oh clouds, oh sunlight! You're the wings that carry my dreams, You write across a distance sky Words of inspiration; Words of freedom and liberty. So did people once travel in dreams, Floating out…
  • Boon Yi’s Eulogy for Grandma

    Personal ProjectMomBoon Yi’s Eulogy for Grandma[ 27 APR 2015 ] On the eve of Mom's cremation, Boon Yi delivered a very moving eulogy for her. He had written it down but his actual delivery was quite different as he spoke from his heart. Click image to watch the eulogy The Wake MomFarewell
  • The Wake

    [ 24 APR 2015 ] My sister, a florist, took care of all the flower arrangements, with the help of Mom's younger sister. Personal ProjectMomThe Wake[ 24 APR 2015 ] Mom was very open in discussing about her funeral arrangement, telling us many times that she wanted lots and lots of flowers. [ 24 APR…
  • Rest In Peace

    Personal ProjectMomRest In Peace[ 24 APR 2015 ] I've never wanted to believe more in God and Heaven than today. After seeing with my very eyes how Mom's breathing became tougher and tougher, I just want her to be free of all burdens, and to enjoy what awaits her. Other than making pictures and sharing…
  • The Final Days

    [ 20 APR 2015 ] The palliative team took over and discussed the options with us. Their last choice was to sedate her because that basically means that we would not be able to have any 'normal' conversation anymore. But it was the most comfortable way for her, and that was what we wanted most.…
  • A New Life

    Personal ProjectMomA New Life[ 19 APR 2015 ] Two days ago, Mom told a pastor who visited her that she wants to become a Christian. To make sure she was not saying it under the influence of too much drugs, I volunteered to verify with her yesterday. I asked her, "What did you tell the…
  • The Garden of Eden

    Personal ProjectMomThe Garden of Eden[ 18 APR 2015 ] Mom wanted very much to go to the hospital garden but it was impossible. Boon Yi did the next closest thing to an actual visit - a virtual tour through his images. Pictures of garden by Quah Boon Yi. [ 18 APR 2015 ] Boon Yi giving Mom a…
  • Keeping Vigil

    Personal ProjectMomKeeping Vigil[ 17 APR 2015 ] Waiting area at ward 48. [ 16 APR 2015 ] Our relatives visited Mom regularly but seldom in a big group. Sometimes I would tell them to go in smaller groups in order not to alarm Mom, but after a while, we all accepted that she already knew.…
  • The Journey

    [ 02 APR 2015 ] Boon Yi accompanying Mom to her ward. Picture by Tay Kay Hwee.Personal ProjectMomThe Journey[ 02 APR 2015 ] March was a relatively good month for us as Mom’s condition stabilized. All of us managed to get some breathers and to get back to our regular routines. I also took fewer…