I first saw some of the images in this book in the 90s at the judging of a competition, and I remember the reactions of the judges very well.
Not sure if the ‘merits’ of this body of work by Donna Ferraro were properly appreciated and discussed then. I think most people were more eager to get them off the screen.
What I do remember well were whispers in the quiet room and discomfort in the eyes of the viewers. Some were obviously offended by the fact that so many images were so ‘in-your-face’.
I am guessing the word ‘pornography’ was ringing in their ears. What else? Image after image of carnal pleasure. What else can they be but offensive materials that should be kept in the dark. And yes, “how is this documentary photography?” must be the number one question in their heads.
Hang on, why can’t we like this kind of ‘honesty’? Because liking them will make us somewhat dubious?
Maybe we should just look away and say “this is not real”?
I happen to like them very much. So much that I have two copies of this book. Don’t ask me why.