As an intrepid photographer, Harry Gruyaert must have spent a big part of his life jetting around the world and thus, at airports.
These in-between time can be used to catch up on sleep, reading, idling away with a glass of wine, reviewing photographs made at the last location, check emails. Or one can prowl for more images.
I don’t think Gruyaert switches between working and resting.
In the documentary Harry Gruyaert Photographer, he said, “I love to travel. If I’m in the same place too long, I don’t feel very well.”
“The interesting thing about airports, that bizarre no-man’s land, is the architecture and the people are who waiting.
These are keen observations recorded with artful eyes.
Most people will encounter the same situations without deeming them worthy of a picture.
This is where the line is drawn – on one side, a true seer, and then there is the other end.
These images look like work done while at rest. So it can be considered play.
Or is it really work?
Who cares when they are so beautiful.